Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Second week at home

Wow, a week has gone by already, I dont know who is more tired, me or W. I have been playing with him so much this week that he sleeps really well at night. Our favourite game is for me to hold his hand while he walks around the house 100 times. Followed closely and not totally anticipatidly by playing the drums :) I say this because the first few times I took him to play the drums, he held onto me like we were 40 feet in the air up a tree. However now he is relaxing more and more and yesterday I couldnt get him off the bloomin thing. Everytime I thought he was done and I tried to move he bashed the cymbals again. Yesterday we made plum jam which unfortunately turned out to be way too thin, its like watery. I was supposed to make some more today but i gave up that idea since the first batch didnt turn out very well. The weekend now went really quick, I spent some time in the garden pruning the apple trees and picking plums (surprisingly) balancing on a rickety ladder up a tree. Sunday was more fun though, I spent the day at Sviestad racetrack and even got a ride with STCC driver Matthias Andersson, its really scary how fast someone can drive a normal car when they actually know how to drive! Well thats it for now!


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