Sunday, October 22, 2006

Such is life

I cant help it.. I just really enjoy life and living.

My whole life I have always just enjoyed doing things and when people say its not possible.. I do it to prove them wrong. When people push me down or dump on me, I lt them go on with it.. Its so annoying to hear people complain about everything.. but then again I suppose its Yin and Yang.. if you didnt have the negative people.. you wouldnt be able to be positive.

Today I have had a really good day. After an evening last night with friends here talking about life the universe and everything, today relaxing at home with my fiance and our two cats. Doing some things around the house that need to be done. This is how life should be. I think we focus too much on work and money and I hate that. Life can be over tomorrow, and then where has all the moaning and money in the bank got you? :)

I have decided I refuse to be "mature" in the traditional sense. The only real description I can give mature is to become bitter and lose your humor. The older you get, the lower the tolerance level for other people is. You get burned a lot of times and so you give people less chances and you become colder in some way. Plus that you are not allowed to have fun or show emotions the same as you could when you were younger. If this is maturity, screw it, I'll be immature and enjoy my life while people around me become old and bitter. I still want to play football, drive cars, watch TV, train kung fu, and fly planes until I am as old as possible, I dont think this means I am not allowed to own a house, have kids and get married. At least one thing is sure. I will never sit there comparing my wealth to my neighbor or buying things I cant afford just to show off. :)


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